Membership Requirements

The Cantiñieres cordially invites prospective members to e-mail us at:

Who is Eligible?

Those eligible for active membership are women no less than 16 years of age who are blood descendants, lineal or collateral, of men and women who served honorably in the Army, Navy, or civil service of the Confederate States of America or gave material aid to The Cause. Also eligible are those women who are lineal or collateral blood descendants of members or former members of the UDC. Adopted children are not eligible for membership by virtue of their adoptive parents' bloodline but solely by virtue of their natural or biological parents' bloodlines.

Proof of Eligibility

Proof of an ancestor's service to the Confederate States of America must be provided and may be obtained upon request from any of the following sources (if available):

  1. *UDC Business Office: From records of military service compiled from registered applications and National      Archives Microfilm of Confederate Veterans files, upon request of UDC Chapter Registrar. (Research fee and SASE required.)

  2. *Pension records Confederate pension record information is limited but can be found on the Web.           For a reasonable fee, the site Researcher will do the work for you.

  3. *State Departments of Archives and History, Confederate Records, if certified.

  4. *US National Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001. Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272

  5. *An authoritative publication: Photocopy of title page, name of author, volume, page number, year of publication, location of library. Provide certified copy of pertinent data relating to Confederate ancestor only.

            Genealogy Sources: Find Your Confederate Ancestor's Service Record

                             National Park Service Civil War Soldiers Sailors          


                               On-line searches based on National Archives Database 

                             Florida Civil War Soldier Index


                             Search by name; lists both CS and US

                             Florida CSA Pensions


                             Provides official copies for a fee

                             Military Records and Database Link


                            National Cemeteries & Veterans Burials Link


           Searching for Family Genealogy

                            Family Search Internet Genealogy Service


                            Latter Day Saints Church offers a free database

                            Roots Web Home Page


                            Provides a free database



                            Provides a free 14 day trial membership

                                Fold 3 - Historical Military Records




                            Requires a subscription

                            Cyndi's Page


Proof of a veteran's dates must also be submitted and may be obtained from any of the following sources:


1.Birth and/or death certificates

2.Newspaper obituaries

3.Tombstones (name of cemetery and location must be included; authenticity must be certified; photograph should be included if possible). NOTE: Tombstone information is not acceptable as proof of Confederate service.

4.Annotations in family Bible

5.Other sources may be deemed adequate; consult with the registrar of the Chapter you plan to join.

Proof of an applicant's relation to the Confederate veteran must also be provided (usually in the form of birth, marriage, and death certificates).

Please note that genealogical research is NOT available from the UDC's Business Office.

    Admission to the United Daughters of the Confederacy shall be by invitation through a Chapter.
